"Suspects" by Marc Torices

I've been drawn by Marc Torices! On friday opened doors Marc Torices exhibition at Fatbottom Books, here is a copy+paste about:

Sospechosos (Suspects)

Marc Torices
Fri, 2012-12-14 19:30 - 22:00
This exhibition is a collection of portraits by Marc Torices. The portraits are anonymous. Made with ink, black and white, and a size of 10x14 cm.
Marc Torices is one of the many suitors in Barcelona to enter the world of comics and illustration work in Spain. This exhibition is intended to affect in any way the visitors and convince them that these faces are what they need to maintain their spiritual balance. Actually he doesn't even know why he has been drawing compulsively so many faces. It seems ridiculous to him and he just hopes that someone have compassion for him. All 100 portraits are original, signed and framed. And they're all on sale from 30 €

New zines on Booklet Library & Press

Our japan friends have recieved our latest zines (from Bad Weather Press) and one of them was the one I did with Leonardo Amico this year: Food Chain. Have a look here.

The death of Maslow

Yesterday I recieve a pack from Belgium, the last Lazer Artzine (nº19-20) and a mini-book/flyer from the exhibition in Cultures Maison. All really nice stuff, thanks Chanic!

Here is my page, on the left and Alain Marciano’s one on the right.
I titled the comic "the death of Maslow" and tried to represent the end of the world after the physiological level. Here the Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Exhibition flyer


All photos from Festival FB page

Another exhibition I can’t assist. Sad, very sad. It was at the Médiathèque Margarite Duras in Paris (France). The exhibition was free to all public and had really a amazing collection of stuff from around the world. On the web says, the zine will go to the library, so, now you have a nice opportunity to go there and have a look!

Event by Papier Gache!
Facebook page of the festival

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Exposition de fanzines et graphzines du monde entier.
Plus de quatre cent fanzines et graphzines du monde entier à découvrir et à feuilleter. Répondant à l'appel à participation lancé à l'occasion du festival, de nombreuses structures de l'édition indépendante par delà les frontières exposent leur milleure production.

Lazer Artzine: exhibition in Brussels

This days I have been a bit busy, and I forget to tell you there was a fantastic exhibition curated by Nicolas Chalupa aka Mr.Chanic at the Maison des cultures de Saint-Gilles, in Brussels. In the exhibition, during the days 14, 15 and 16 of September, you were able to see the originals (the ink version in my case)  published in the last number of Lazer Artzine.

from Chanic's Instagram

Other people in the Lazer Art fanzine are:
Olive Booger (FR)
Alexandre de moté (BE)
Yuriy Mironoff – Miron (UA)
LL de Mars (FR)
Oliver Scheibler (DE)
Pau Valls (ES)
Jeroen Geuens (BE)
Thibaut Cécile (FR)
Rémy Benjamin (FR)
muzo troimil (FR)
Milton Blas Verano (It)
Pascal Tessier (FR)
andré lemos (PT)
jerome bihan (FR)
grisfx (FR/be)
da jeong Yi – DAZY
Rogério Geo (BR)
valfret (BE)
Antoine Houcke (BE)
Pere Saguer (ES)
Alain Marciano (fr)
olivier spinewine (BE)
gianfranco cioffi (IT)
Barzman Wildbarz (BE)
jon sojo (fr)
Chanic (BE)
Frank Vega (AR)
voodoo Collectif (FR)
Craig Collins (UK)
& Iain Laurie
Les Frères le glatin (FR)
Frederic George (BE)
Timothé Le Boucher (FR)
Ana Ribeiro (PT)
Darwin Fuentes (EC)
Benoît Pourreau (FR/BE)
Jajá Félix (BR)

Get the zine HERE

I don't remember from who I took this photo. Sorry :(

Sunday Books #1

This past weekend (13 and 14 October), “Lands Speak Record” my latest photozine published by Bad Weather Press, was at “Sunday Books #1” in Shibuya, Japan. I copy and paste the info from Booklet’s website:
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SUNDAY BOOKS is an event that gathers zines selected by three (zine-related) organizations that have been separately active in Tokyo: Mount Zine, Zine Picnic, and Booklet Library. It is the first collaborative exhibition between the three.

There will be an opening party for the event on the 13th. Sunday Issue requests a ¥500 cover (+100 for a beer); in lieu of the fee, we'll prepare some (FREE) party favors in booklet format.


Mount Zine is a distributor of small-press publications by Japanese authors based in Tokyo, Japan.

Zine Picnic (just that! trees, sunshine, grass, biru, chu-hi, onigiri v. zines) was founded by Kohei Oyama. He publishes and distributes the work of young photographers as parapera.

Booklet Library is the website you're surfing. Booklet's selection for Sunday Books will address recent repeaters.

Ryuto Miyake, the organizer of the event, works at Sunday Issue. He likes to draw--birds, specifically.


Titles / work included:
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1%ofOne verlag - all recent contributions
airi - Sabaku
Alan Licht - Interview with Adris Hoyos*
Amy Fox*
Anna Gleeson (Ed.) - ha wan pao 1-3
Anne Lai - what tends apart
Authors ?? - Norikae
Aya Muto - Volvo
Chiara Raffo - Carnaval
Craig Atkinson - Someone Else's Wedding
David Potes - Saturn Return
edition fink, all titles
Haris Epaminonda - Images
Haruna Sato - Ichi No Hi 1-3
Hobbyist 1-2
Jason Roberts Dobrin - Rivers
Jian Wei Lim - Places Inbetween
Jessica Williams - Diary
Jonathan Storm - Old Dark
Joseph Hart - Provisional Arrangements
Judith Erwes - Imitation of Lives
Luke A.R. Hamblin -01. polaroids
Maggie Harrsen - KANOA*
Marianne van Loo*
Maximilian Rossner - II II V
Meggie Kelley Dark Alcoves, Hidden Niches, ...
Michela Heim - Anteroom
Mitsu Sucks - Poland Envy, Board Envy
NSEW - Artist Postcards*
NSEW, Miniature Garden (Eds.) - Light*
Patrícia Almeida, David-Alexandre Gueniot - LWTUA
Paul Paper - all titles
Pere Saguer - Land Speak Record
Peter Sutherland - Final Bargain
Phil Brown - Urban Zoo
Pierre Hourquet - DIY Stool
Rosa McElheny, Hilary duPont - REAL NEWS
Shoboshobo - Aaron / Benjamin
Various Fires and Four Running Boys - Thomas Galler
Various Fires and MLK - Scott McCarney
Ye Rin Mok - all titles
youandmebaby - Report : Field Report & Iceland
Yuri Manabe - Ultimate Lezcation*
Zug Magazine 1-3

Food Chain: Leonardo Amico & Pere Saguer

This is the result of working together with Leonardo Amico. For a year we have been exchanging sounds, noises and musical pieces that have the combined result of a piece of music and graphics.

"Food Chain" is published by Bad Weather Press with a limited print run of 40 numbered copies. It has a ridiculous price of 6 euros you can get here.
If you are interested in knowing the work of Leonardo, here is his blog.

Support festival posters

Posters for the "Support Festival" that took place at 25 of August in Italy. One (at the right) is for the experimental music bands and the other one (left) for electronic.

Sea Bridge on Sandwich Mixto

A recent post in No.Zines website, talks about Sandwich Mixto located in the Antón Martin market (Madrid) and reminded me they have one of my favourite photozines: Sea Bridge*. So if this summer you go to visit the capital of Spain, don't miss this place!

Here the facebook page.

Photo by Sandwich Mixto

(*)"Sea Bridge" is sold out in the Badweather Press web, so probably they are the last copies, a known treasure!

Are You?

Yesterday I re-scaned a old collage zine I made for a exhibition (that, at the end, didn't took place...). Here are some samples.


I made this cover for Leonardo Amico's music project. You can listen the music here, published at Pan y Rosa website. Hope I can also upload soon a nearly-finished project with Leo and Bad Weather Press. Maybe before August? ;)

The Collage Age

"The representation of desire"

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Yesterday my collage work was published at Bad Weather Press.
It's a small edition of 30. 24 pages on light-grey paper and print in black and white.
You can see some examples here in colour.

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"Primera vista"

"Yelds vexing"


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Contribution to Duplicata
3rd May 2012, Berlin